I received a comment in the blog about a month ago now, from a French reader who received a speeding fine in May, paid for it in June and got the very same fine in September! I sent her an e-mail to get further details, and she has authorised me to share her story as far as I do not publish personal details. There you go...
When you pay a Spanish fine by transfer it is very important to include the record number (dossier number or "n expediente" in Spanish) in the comments field, as this is the ONLY way to track this payment. Our French friend made the transfer from her bank office, and the bank employee made an involuntary mistake when typewriting the dossier number, so her fine remained officially unpaid.
She contacted DGT helpline and was advised to fax a copy of the fine with the payment proof attached. A week later her debt was cancelled, and of course there was no late fee for her. DGT's fax number is 0034902512151.
I hope this helps!