This is the link to the official payment form in the Spanish Traffic Authority site: It is very important that you refer to this site, I do NOT trust other sites, no matter how convincent the notification is. If the speeding fine can't be paid using the previous link I would leave it in quarantine. If the link doesn't work you can try a PC (where P means personal, sometimes professional computers have tighter security settings), ideally using Firefox or Chrome... If that doesn't solve it, you can still pay by transfer.
Let's see what the payment form looks like:
1 - this field is set to NIF by default. You can set it to the document type of your choise by using the drop-down menu.
2 - use only numbers in this field, the system adds the right format.
3 - the calendar will apply the Spanish date format.
4 - use this if you need to pay more than one fine at the same time.
5 - proceed to the second step, where the system applies the reduction.
- Identification type: either Passport or Other (i.e. Driving Licence).
- Identification number: your passport / driving licence or ID number.
- Name / Business name: the card holder's first name.
- Surname: the card holder's middle name.
- Additional Surname: the card holder's last name.
- Email: the e-mail address will be used to send the payment confirmation.
- Document number: in Spanish 'expediente', in French 'dossier', in Italian 'pratica', in Portuguese 'processo'... The record number MUST have 12 digits (you won't have to use the punctuation marks).
- Amount (with no discount): the total amount (100, 300, 400...). The site applies the reduction on the second step.
- Notification date (DD/MM/YYYY): the date when you received the notification (you can use the calendar).
You will need a debit/credit card to complete the operation. For some reason AmEx cards are NOT accepted.