DGT: This sanction cannot be paid. Please, call 060...

What to do when you try to pay for a DGT fine and you get the following error message,
This sanction cannot be paid. Please, call 060 for consultation or go to any Provincial Traffic Headquarters.
When the site doesn't allow you to pay and you are abroad, the only alternative is the bank transfer. These are all the details you need,
  • IBAN: ES11 2100 5731 710200203821
  • Tax Identification Number (CIF, in Spanish): Q2816003D
  • Account name: Jefatura Central de Tráfico - Sanciones extranjero 
  • Quote the record number / dossier number / n. expediente!!!
If the transfer is correct the case will be closed for payment within about 2 weeks. However, and as far as I have read in different forums, they are having trouble to track some transfers, so my advice is to send a fax with a copy of the bank statement and the reference number (aka record number, aka dossier number, aka n. expediente, aka numero di pratica...). The fax number to send the document is 0034902512151.

If you got the "this sanction cannot be paid" error message transfer just 50% of the total amount of the fine, and include the following message in the fax; "I only just received the fine, so I pay with the 50% discount for early payment".