Speeding fines in Spain: information over the phone

The DGT has an information line exclusively for speeding penalties, which are the most common. The service includes information on penalties of 900 and 1200 euros for failing to identify the driver in a previous speeding offence. This line can provide information on where the offence took place and on the most common procedures:

  • Submitting an objection to a fine of 900 euros.
  • Identifying the driver
  • Paying the fines
  • Information on driving licence points for speeding offences

The DGT helpline on speeding fines has a service in English. The English language service is only available in the mornings, Monday to Friday, from 08:00 to 14:00 (Spanish time). 

If you have received a fine for speeding in Spain and you need assistance call 0034987010559 and request to speak in English after the recorded message ends. Calling this phone number is free from 99% of the Spanish lines. Calling from abroad has the cost of an regular call to any Spanish landline.

If you need help with other services of the Spanish traffic authority (DGT) you should call 060. This citizen helpline number also has English-speaking operators from Monday to Friday and is open from 09:00 to 14:00 Spanish time. The 060 telephone number has a special rate, please check with your telephone company. On the 060 telephone number you can obtain information about exchanging driving licences, buying and selling vehicles, obtaining a Spanish driving licence, updating your address for notifications, etc.

How do I pay my fine DGT es?

These are the steps to follow to pay a fine on the DGT website:

1. Go to https://sedeapl.dgt.gob.es:7443/WEB_IWPS5_INET/jsp/sincertificado/index.jspx.

2. Fill in the personal details of the holder of the card with which you are going to make the payment, choosing NIE, Passport or Other as the type of identification.

3. It is very important to provide a valid e-mail address, as the payment receipt will be sent by this means.

4. Use only numbers in the Document No. and Amount boxes. Select the notification date using the calendar (the day you received the fine).

5. Click the Plus button if you have more than one fine and repeat.

6. Click Continue.

7. Read and accept the terms and conditions and click Continue.

8. Enter your card details. The DGT website uses a double verification system, so you will receive an SMS or you will have to access your bank's app or website to complete the operation.

If you need assistance you can call the DGT hotline (+34987010559). The service is available in English from Monday to Friday mornings, from 08:00 to 14:00 (Spanish time).